KAP Mom’s Favorite ½ Pt.

KAP Mom’s Favorite ½ Pt.
1/2 Pint was truly my favorite …from birth, this little heifer was just very special. In the thick of our show career, we had “alot” of cattle to choose from & several of us choosing. So not everyone that should have gone to a show got to, there wasn’t enough barn space or manpower to get them ready, so the heifers got rotated through. She did manage to win California and Reserve Denver as she passed through.
2002 Grand National Stock Show Champion Female
2003 NWSS Reserve Champion Female
2003 NWSS Junior Reserve Champion
After her show career was when she really started to shine. She is the first in her multi-generational line of Champions. Her daughters include Mystik, Matti, Shammi, Bethani, Breze, Kati and Arlou…all who wore their Championship banners with pride. Not to limit her to the female side of the ring, Viking also stepped up to be the Grand Champion bull at the NAILE. While there are no embryos available for sale from 1/2 Pint, there are many from her daughters & by her son. REFERENCE ONLY..